Wood types

KVH® structural timber is made of spruce wood as standard. It can also be supplied in fir, pine, larch and Douglas fir. The use of other species of softwood is also permitted for the production of KVH® according to EN 15497 and EN 14081-1, but is not usual.

<b>Spruce <br/> <p>(Picea abies)</p></b>
Color, grain pattern Yellowish-white, darkens to yellowish-brown, develops distinctive grain patterns in both the sapwood and the heartwood
Density (kg/cbm) (330) - <b>470</b> - (680)
Durability Resistance class 4 in accordance with DIN 6836
Resistance Moderate shrinkage. Long moisture-change times, generally good resistance after drying.
Special characteristics Most common softwood in central Europe
<b>Fir <p> (Abies alba) </p></b>
Color, grain pattern Yellowish-white to almost white, develops distinctive grain patterns, without heartwood coloring
Density (kg/cbm) (350) - <b>450</b> - (750)
Durability Resistance class 4 in accordance with DIN 6836
Resistance Moderate shrinkage. Long moisture-change times.
Special characteristics Fresh, fir-specific scent, which disappears as it dries; wetwood formation
<b>Pine<p>(Pinus silvestris)</p></b>
Color, grain pattern Develops pronounced dark-colored heartwood, yellowish-white to reddish-white sapwood, reddish-yellow heartwood, darkening to reddish-brown, decorative
Density (kg/cbm) (330) - <b>520</b> - (890)
Durability Resistance class 3-4 in accordance with DIN 6836
Resistance Low shrinkage, good resistance
Special characteristics High risk of sap stain, easy to impregnate sapwood, high resin content makes processing and surface treatment more difficult
<b>Larch <p>(Larix decidua)</p></b>
Color, grain pattern Develops pronounced dark-colored heartwood, light-yellow to reddish-yellow sapwood, ruddy-red heartwood, darkening to intensive reddish-brown, decorative
Density (kg/cbm) (440) - <b>590</b> - (850) heaviest domestic softwood
Durability Resistance class 3 in accordance with DIN 6836
Resistance Propensity for cracking
Special characteristics Relatively resistant to acid
<b>Douglas fir <p>(Pseudotsuga menziesii)</p></b>
Color, grain pattern Develops pronounced dark-colored heartwood, white to yellowish-gray, light-yellowish-brown to reddish-brown heartwood, pronounced darkening in the light, decorative
Density (kg/cbm) (500) - <b>650</b> - (700)
Durability Resistance class 3 in accordance with DIN 6836
Resistance Good resistance, low shrinkage
Special characteristics Hard, rather brittle softwood